
DEFAULT RPC NODE URL: It will use RPC NODE that you input here only for monitoring. (it will be used, if you will put nothing in transaction RPC node, this one will be used). ADD TRANSACTION RPC NODE URL: It will use RPC NODE that you input here only for transactions. You can use multiple RPC nodes for transactions,if multiple transaction nodes are set the bot will send all the transactions in the spam count for each node. RPC NODE WS URL: If you do not put here RPC NODE WS url, it will use normal RPC NODE url GEYSER URL: Insert here URL of Geyser if your RPC NODE supports it, it will increase speed. PumpITPro KEY: Auto blacklist whitelist service, if you want to use it, you need to contact pump it pro service. Input api key in case you want to use it. Alpha Chain KEY: Auto whitelist service, if you want to use it, you need to contact pump it pro service. Input api key in case you want to use it.

  • Jito Server Location: URLs and IP addresses of JITO servers around the world. Use location of block engine closer to your server location or if you run FRIGOBOT on local pc, then block engine should be close to your pc location.

  • BLOXROUTE SERVER LOCATION: Select location of BloxRoute.

  • Discord Token: Insert here your discord token. Check this video how to get it:

  • Telegram phone number: Insert here phone number with prefix, country code. After that press Authorize Telegram and insert there code from phone number.

  • Webhook URL: Insert your discord webhook URL to get notifications on discord.

  • Currency: You can select currency you prefer (It will only have a visual effect on the displayed SOLANA-FIAT conversions on the bot GUI)

  • Enable safe bloxroute: Use this to be protected from MEV attacks on raydium, no need to use this on

  • Enable advanced logging: With this option enabled the bot will write all the coin it detects and all the coin that passes filter to a details-logs.txt file, this includes coin found with copy trading, new coins mode, discord scraper and telegram scraper.

  • Disable frigo program: Use this if you want to disable frigo program on pump fun.

  • Hide jito tip: Use this option if you want to hide Jito on chain.


TRON NODE URL: Insert here link to tron NODE. Free node:

TRON NODE API KEY: Create account on this website:, in dahsboard create api key and copy that and insert it to the bot.

Monitor Delay: Set delay between requests. 1000 is recommended.

Webhook URL: Insert your discord webhook URL to get notifications on discord.

Discord Token: Insert here your discord token. Check this video how to get it:

Telegram phone number: Insert here phone number with prefix, country code. After that press Authorize Telegram and insert there code from phone number.

Enable advanced logging: With this option enabled the bot will write all the coin it detects and all the coin that passes filter to a details-logs.txt file, this includes coin found with copy trading, new coins mode, discord scraper and telegram scraper.

Last updated