Migration Sniper
This mode will snipe migration coins on pump.fun that match the filters specified in the task
Last updated
This mode will snipe migration coins on pump.fun that match the filters specified in the task
Last updated
Task fields
Wallet: Select the Wallet that you want to use to buy coins
Sol Amount: Select amount of SOL that you want to use for the initial coin buy.
Buy Fee Type: Select if jito/bloxroute/priority or NextBlock will be used for buy. (you can use different for sell and buy) or other combinations/all
Sell Fee Type: Select if jito/bloxroute/priority or NextBlock will be used for buy. (you can use different for sell and buy) or other combinations/all
Jito tip Buy/sell: Select the jito tip (SOL) that you want to use when buying and selling coins the jito tip should not be more than 10% of your sol amount, we suggest to not use jito unless your node is not able to land properly. We recommend to put 0.005 for Priority with jito.
Priority Fee Buy/sell : Select the priority fee to use for transactions, we suggest values from 0.005 to 0.02 this priority fee will be paid for all the landed transactions
Blouxroute Tip Buy/sell: Select bloxroute tip to use for transactions, we suggest arround 0.002, small priority fee is needed.
NextBlock Tip Buy/sell: Select NextBlock tip to use for transactions, we suggest arround 0.005 and higher. We recommend to put 0.005 for Priority with jito.
Temporal Tip Buy/sell: Select Temporal tip to use for transactions, we suggest arround 0.005 and higher. We recommend to put 0.005 for Priority. USE IT ONLY FOR SELL (RISK OF MEVS) but it is very fast with low fee amounts.
TX number Buy/sell: If you are running without jito this fields indicates how many transactions will be sent at each buy or sell attempt for each node set, we suggest a value of 35 here if you are running one node and we suggest 20 if you are running two, please note that this value will impact how much you will pay in fee since you pay fees for each transaction sent
TPS buy/sell: TPS stands for transactions per second, here you can put the TPS limit of your node, if you are unsure about the limit of your node you can put here 200-300
Disable sell triggers at profit: Set profit % so With this option enabled the bot will disable all the sell triggers like sell on dev sale or stop loss or inactivity timeout once a setuped profit gets reached.
Take Profit (%): Setup at which profit % the bot should sell 100% of the coin.
Stop Loss (%): Setup at which loss % the bot should sell the 100% of the coin.
Buy Slippage (%): Setup % for buy slippage, slippage indicates how much increase in price you accept while buying a coin, this means that if you are running 1 sol entry and your slippage is 50% the bot will be the coin until it costs 1.5 SOL, we suggest a value of 60% here, having very low values can affect the success rate
Sell After(Seconds): With this field enabled the bot will automatically sell a coin after a set amount of seconds after buying it, regardless of coin price or other indicators.
Concurrent coins: Setup amount of coins that can be bought and monitored at same time. If you set two, bot will try to buy 2 new coins, and will only buy other coins once one of the coin gets sold.
Inactivity Timeout(Seconds): This is the time that the bot will wait before selling the coin if there are no transactions on the selected coin, you can set 0 if you don't want to use this feature
Task name: You can name your task to recognize it easily
Webhook: Select webhook you want to use.
Webhook on buy: If you enable this feature the bot will send a webhook once a coin gets bought with all the infos.
Webhook on Detect: If you enable this feature the bot will send a webhook once a coin gets detected with all the infos.
Sell on Dev sale: Bot will sell coin if the coin creator sells at least 10% of his supply
Sell on Raydium Migration %: With this option enabled the bot will instantly sell a % you setuped of coin once it migrates to raydium. If you leave 0 it will not sell.
Detect only: With this option enabled the bot will not attempt any buy/sell on the coin it will just send the webhook with coin info, you can use this option to test a strategy without using real balance or to test if filters are working as intended. (this option can be used with Webhook on detect option.)
Trailing stop: You can add more trailing stops by clicking on add trailing stop, every trailing stop has two fields When profit is (%) and Stop loss at (%) the trailing stops are incremental, once a trailing stop profit is reached the bot will set a new stop loss that will sell the coin once triggered,you can specify how much % of coin it will sell once trailing stops gets triggered.
Add Take Profit: You can add more take profits by clicking on add take take profit, you need to setup in new pop up When profit is (%) then SELL (%), that means for example that if you set take profit 50% and sell 75%, once it gets to 50% profit it will sell 75% of coin.
Address whitelist: Bot will buy only coin that have been created by creators from list.
Address blacklist: Bot will not buy coins that have been created by creators from list, blacklist overrides whitelist.
Name must contain: Insert a set of comma separated keywords that the coin name must contain, the keywords are not case sensitve, format is: cash,car,apple
Name must not contain: Insert a set of comma separated keywords that the coin name must not contain, the keywords are not case sensitve, format is: cash,car,apple
Description must contain: Insert a set of comma separated keywords that the coin description must contain, the keywords are not case sensitve, format is: cash,car,apple
Description must not contain: Insert a set of comma separated keywords that the coin description must not contain, the keywords are not case sensitve, format is: cash,car,apple .
Max description length: Set how many characters description can have.
Ticker Blacklist: Insert a set of comma separated tickers that the coin ticker should not match, tickers are not case sensitive, format is: pew,daddy,pepe Ticker whitelist: Insert a set of comma separated tickers that the coin ticker should match, tickers are not case sensitive, format is: pew,daddy,pepe
Website URL must contain: Write here text (characters) which site of sniping coin must contain.
Website URL must not contain: Write here text (characters) which site of sniping coin must NOT contain.
Coin Address Must Contain: Write here what coin adress must contain.
Coin Address Must Not Contain: Write here what coin adress must NOT contain.
Minimum buy transactions: With this option the bot will only buy coin that have reached a certain number of buy transactions, this feature can be useful to only buy coins with real activity
Max Buyer Amount: This option is used with the minimum buy transaction option and it indicates the maximum amount that the buy transactions made by other traders can be for the bot to not discard the coin.
Min Bonding Curve(%): Set minimum bording curve of coin and bot will only buy coins that bonding cuve is above setuped %.
Max Bonding Curve(%): Set maximum bording curve of coin and bot will only buy coins that bonding cuve is below setuped %..
Filter Out Bundles: This option will filter out coins that were founded by budle buys.
Advanced website check: With this option enabled the bot will perform advanced checks to the coin website to ensure that the website works and that it relates to the coin. LINKS NEEDED
No socials: Bot will snipe only coins with no socials.
At least one social: Bot will snipe coins that have at least one social
Telegram: If you enable this feature bot will buy coin only if it has telegram.
Twitter: If you enable this feature bot will buy coin only if it has twitter.
Website: If you enable this feature bot will buy coin only if it has website.