Twitter Scraper

With this mode you can monitor Twitter and snipe directly coins posted on twitter.

  • Wallet: Select the Wallet that you want to use to buy coins.

  • TRX Amount: Select amount of TRX that you want to use for the initial coin buy.

  • Concurrent coins: Setup amount of coins that can be bought and monitored at same time. If you set two, bot will try to buy 2 new coins, and will only buy other coins once one of the coin gets sold.

  • Take Profit (%): Setup at which profit % the bot should sell 100% of the coin.

  • Stop Loss (%): Setup at which loss % the bot should sell the 100% of the coin.

  • Inactivity Timeout(Seconds): This is the time that the bot will wait before selling the coin if there are no transactions on the selected coin, you can set 0 if you don't want to use this feature

  • Sell After(Seconds): With this field enabled the bot will automatically sell a coin after a set amount of seconds after buying it, regardless of coin price or other indicators.

  • TX number Buy/sell: This fields indicates how many transactions will be sent at each buy or sell attempt for each node set.

  • Task name: You can name your task to recognize it easily.

  • Webhook on buy: If you enable this feature the bot will send a webhook once a coin gets bought with all the infos.

  • Trailing stop: You can add more trailing stops by clicking on add trailing stop, every trailing stop has two fields When profit is (%) and Stop loss at (%) the trailing stops are incremental, once a trailing stop profit is reached the bot will set a new stop loss that will sell the coin once triggered

  • Add Take Profit: You can add more take profits by clicking on add take take profit, you need to setup in new pop up When profit is (%) then SELL (%), that means for example that if you set take profit 50% and sell 75%, once it gets to 50% profit it will sell 75% of coin.

  • Twitter Username: Write here twitter usernames that bot should buy coins posted only from them, it works both ways, with @ or without.

  • Ignore Retweets: With this option enabled bot will avoid buying retweeted coins.

  • Filter out messages sent by bots: With this filter it will avoid buying coins that were sent in discord by bots.

  • Message must contain: Write here what message must contain in case bot will follow this and will buy only coins from discord that contains it.

  • Message must not contain: Write here what message must not contain in case bot will follow this and will avoid buying coins from discord that contains it.

  • Proxy Group: Select proxy group that will be used, you can use Resis or ISPs/DCs for monitoring.

  • Monitor delay: Set delay between requests. 2500 is recommended delay.

Last updated